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Price list from Autumn 2007

Spanish Models   Early Renaissance (with beek)  
Sopranino in f’ £ 150 Sopranino in f £ 200
Soprano in c or d £ 245 Soprano in c £ 230
Alto in F or G £355 Alto in F £ 310
Renaissance Shawms (440 Hz. or 460 Hz.) Mediaeval (with windcap)  
Soprano in c £ 420 Sopranino in f £ 225
Soprano in d ** £ 520 Soprano in c £ 285
Alto in F or G £ 800 Alto in F £ 360
Nicolo (tenor shawm) in C *** £ 1050    
Bassett in C *    
Bass in F *    
Gt. Bass in C or B *    
** = Copy of H.v. Schratt Schalmei from Salamanca.    
*** = 2nd. body and crook for 440/460 Hz. £300    
Early Shawms (Mediaeval)    
Soprano in c £400    
Alto in F £800    
Tenor in C £*    

* = Price on request
The price for all reed instruments includes one reed.
Prices are fully inclusive except for post and packing.

If it is more convenient customers may pay the Euro equivalent to my German Account.

Spare reeds cost £14 (€21) each. Please order in writing, add the dispatch costs and send payment with the order (cheque, etc.).
Packing and sending costs are £3 (€5) in England, £6 (€9) for Europe and £10 (€15) worldwide for any number of reeds.
These prices are for reeds of types known to work the instrument adequately, but not always fully adjusted to the particular instrument concerned.

Discounts and Promotions

For any purchased model of shawm featured on this website, you will receive a gift of $10 no deposit chips from More interesting projects, deals and partnerships are coming up, so stay tuned!